Himachal Pakages

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The Himalayas is the highest and one of the youngest mountain ranges in the world. Its origin can be traced in the Jurassic Era, which is about 80 million years ago. the Himalayan range covers the entire northern part of India, it is mainly located in Nepal and Tibet. This is a main attraction for visitors who come to these regions just for the chance to experience the spiritually enriching atmosphere that the Himalayans foster so effortlessly. Travel routes and military movements were likewise, similarly restricted.Genghis Khan could not expand his empire to the south of the Himalayas because of the impossibly rugged terrain.

If we go further east we will see that the Himalayas extends till the Baralacha range in Himachal Pradesh before it merges with the Parbati range to the east of the Kullu valley. It then further extends across kinnaur Kailas to the swargarohini and Bandarpunch ranges in Uttaranchal. The further east has distinct features of snow-capped range north of the Gangotri glacier and the huge peaks of Nanda Devi.

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