Nepal Packages

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Nepal Itinerary

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Nepal is a country in south-central Asia. The highest mountain range in the world--the Himalaya--and a region of hills and valleys cover about 80 per cent of Nepal. The Tarai (or Terai)--a flat, fertile river plain along Nepal's border with India--covers the rest of the country.

The famous temple of Lord Muktinath lies in the district of mustang and is situated about 18-kms north-east of Jomsom at an altitude of about 3,749m. The temple is situated on a high mountain range and is visited during fair weather. The Pokhara Valley one of the most picturesques spot of Nepal, is enhanced by its lovely lakes Phewa, Begnas and Rupa. Situated 200-kms west of Kathmandu, Pokhara is connected by air as well or by bus from Kathmandu and Bhairahawa a border town near India.

Rapti Valley (Chitwan) From Kathmandu it takes 6 hours to reach chitwan. Situated 120-kms south-west of Kathmandu, the main attraction of chitwan is Royal Chitwan National Park.Visitors to chitwan may view game of Elephant back excursions, nature walks, canoe trips, from window and on jungle treks. There are several authorized agencies to organize such safari. Visitors may also take river raft, driving from Kathmandu to the river Trishuli or Seti Khola.

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04 Nights / 05 Days Itinerary


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05 Nights / 06 Days Itinerary


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07 Nights / 08 Days Itinerary


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08 Nights / 09 Days Itinerary


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